Monday, 27 February 2017

These painting apps can turn a layman into an artist!

Painting is not everyone’s cup of tea… but one need not be sober about not being an artist! These painting apps can be an encouragement to all passionate lov­ers of painting…. Here is the detailed info about the applications.
1. Autodesk Sketchbook:
a.      It is a professional application which is free for basics but can click on go pro for a monthly subscription if desired. With a natural-feeling brush set, an interface that turns up at the right place at the right time, support for multiple layers, and a host of useful functions (including enhanced selection tools), Sketch­book can help turn anyone into an artist in not much time at all.
2.Art Flow:
a.      Art Flow produces some impressive works of art, more advanced tools show their presence in the app and it’s an app that you can just dive into whether you’re a veteran illustrator or a school kid with big ideas.
3.Tayasui Sketches:
a.      For a desirous beginner, this app is a “go for it”! Though it has no advanced features, starters would never deny using this app for sure. There are advanced tools if needed; available on purchase.
b.      The emphasis is on drawing and painting tools that look natural on the screen, and it’s particularly suit­able for those looking to mimic real paper drawings on a digital device. Mastering the app takes some prac­tice but it’s definitely worth the time investment.
4. Procreate:
a.      Another heavyweight illustration app with a price tag to match, but its interface is transparent enough for everyone to have a go at sketch­ing and drawing, provided you’re willing to stump up the cash and, of course, you then get all the ‘pro’ tools straight away.
b.      This is an iPad-only app designed for use with the Apple Pencil, and the Cupertino Company has high­lighted it in its app picks in the past. You get 128 brushes packed with options, plus the ability to create your own, as well as an advanced layering system.
5.Adobe Photoshop:
a.    Adobe Photoshop sketching is fun to work on which can be used without paying and is easy to use too.
b.      The app gives you access to 11 different tools that can all be tweaked to suit your creative vision, plus support for layered drawings, color mixing and export options in a variety of formats. Even if you’ve never used Photoshop, this is a straightforward app to start with
6.Paint Joy

a.    If you want fun with painting this application is apt for it. It’s perfect for jumping in and messing around with no matter what your level of talent.
b.    There are 20 brushes to experiment with; there are banner ads, which you can remove forever with a $0.99 in-app purchase. For an app that’s similarly straightforward and be­ginner-friendly on iOS, we’d recom­mend something like Paper.

Monday, 20 February 2017

10 Fastest Growing IT Services Companies 2017

       10 Fastest Growing IT Services Companies 2017  These companies are enlisted provide most innovative solutions to solve IT industry’s toughest challenges and distinguished themselves from peers by their innovative problem-solving approach. 

Friday, 17 February 2017

3 Tips for Reducing Big Data Compliance Risks

  • With big data in the picture, the complexity of data has grown beyond what it was in the days of transactional systems of record (SOR).
  • These new types of data from new originating sources, coupled with the various ways in which organizations are transforming data into something else, present unique challenges to compliance practices in privacy, security, and safekeeping.  
  • This big data compliance data comes from videos, photos, audio records, machines, and third-party vendors. Data analysts perform data cleanups and mash-ups to get to the bottom-line analytics answers that business leaders want.
  • During this process, data begins to get transformed into new forms of data. The totality of these activities makes it difficult to perform compliance functions when the data is constantly morphing into new forms.
  • Overly argues that the only way for companies to get a handle on the big data compliance challenge is to formulate a corporate framework for dealing with big data compliance.
  • The framework addresses the data, as well as the systems where the data resides, who has access to these systems, and whether the data can be relied upon as accurate.
  • Additional big data compliance concerns to consider include assessing the various types of big data for risk, the protection of intellectual property, and the proper legal disclosures and promises made to stakeholders and customers.
  • When assessing these areas and developing policies, organizations should look to outside legal counsel and/or auditors for advice and best practices.
  • The message for IT managers and others leading big data initiatives is that it’s not too soon to think about big data compliance and to do something about it. You should establish a compliance framework around big data that can scale and that all stakeholders understand.  
 Here are three steps that big data and analytics managers should take beyond securing systems and data access.

1. Assess your big data compliance efforts
  • A majority of companies have barely started their big data compliance plans; Using IT guidelines for data safekeeping, privacy, and security that have been used for transactional SOR, and publishing annual privacy and security statements
  • Unfortunately, this doesn’t really address the uniqueness of big data and big data transformation. 
  • There aren’t many policies that address privacy, security, and ownership of this data if the company elects to sell the data.
  • In this continuum of data transformation and repurposing, organizations must determine the points at which compliance is enforced and how and why it is enforced.

2. Review how your organization secures and protects its documents
  • In many cases, isolated business departments have paper records, but they have also been digitizing and adding to these records.
  • Some of this information is highly sensitive and includes patient health and financial records and possibly company trade secrets and patent designs.
  • Standard security measures including limiting room and system access likely are in place, but what if your big data strategy determines that some kind of meld of this data with other SOR or third-party data is important?
  • When the lines between traditional data repositories that have their own compliance rules begin to cross, compliance needs to be revisited.

3. Define new strategies for managing big data compliance
  • In the old days of relational databases with structured data, it was easy to identify and retrieve sensitive data because data searches were straightforward.
  • That’s not so much the case with big data, which can be totally unstructured and unpredictable, and difficult to search for sensitive data that requires protection under regulatory guidelines.
  • This is why it’s important to define new strategies for managing big data compliance.


Friday, 10 February 2017

50 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch 2016

     Find the success stories of Smart Leaders and their companies excel in their own fields.Visit       50 Fastest Growing Private Companies to Watch 2016