Friday, 21 April 2017

Latest Magazines

 10 Fastest Growing Storage Companies 2017
 10 Fastest Growing SAP Companies 2017

The Silicon Review Releasing new magazines with Fastest Growing companies of  Storage , SAP ,  Bigdata and Retail technologies. Find more details about these companies and their services visit

Sunday, 16 April 2017

7 Latest Innovations in Robotics

Here are some of the latest robotics innovations and why there need to be skilled Mechatronics engi­neering technologists to help repair and maintain all of these great new robots.

Google's worker robots:
  • Google is planning to produce worker robots with personalities. Engineers will enable the machines to download personalities from a cloud-based system.
  • The robots have the capacity to store and display multiple personalities when interacting with humans.
  • with specific idio­syncrasies for each user—rather like a family computer having different accounts for each family member. 
Multi-tasking Robots
  • Mo­mentum Machines have developed a multi-tasking bot particularly suited for “light assembly tasks and automated workbench scenarios” in a variety of industries. 
  • It is capable of preparing a gourmet hamburger in as little as 10 seconds. If all goes well, the robot could eventually be used in fast food restaurants.
UR3 arm
  • An automated device created by Universal Robots are known as UR3 can build its own replace­ment parts on the fly. 
  • The cute and nimble robot can handle a variety of tasks, such as gluing, painting, soldering, and grasping. 
  • The new table-top robot can also be used in a separate work station mounted on the table, picking, assembling and placing parts in optimized produc­tion flows.
Saul Robot
  • The Saul Robot is designed to help fight deadly diseas­es like the Ebola virus. 
  • Developed by Xenex, Saul eradicates traces of Ebola using powerful pulses of highly energetic ultraviolet rays. It breaks down and weakens cell walls of the virus.
  • After patient and operation rooms are cleaned, the robot uses pulses of high-intensity, high-energy ultra­violet rays 25,000 times brighter than fluorescent lights to split open bacterial cell walls and kill danger­ous pathogens commonly found in hospitals.
Asus Zenbo: 
  • Asus Zenbo is a low-cost robot capable of rolling around autonomously and under­stands verbal commands.
  • Asus de­veloped the device to help individ­uals remember daily tasks, such as exercise and medication schedules as well as doctor's appointments.
  • Zenbo can also monitor the sur­roundings to detect any emergen­cies. It is capable of connecting to smart-home components like secu­rity cameras, lights, and door locks.
  • Paro is a therapeutic robot developed by AIST, a leading Japa­nese Industrial Automation pioneer.allows the documented benefits of animal therapy to be adminis­tered to patients in environments such as hospitals and extended care facilities.
  • It has been proven effective when it comes motivating and assisting patients to relax.The psychological effects are drawn from the documented benefits of animal therapy.
  • It comes with five different sensors, including posture, light, tactile, audition, and temperature sensors. 
  • Pepper is a talking humanoid robot that adapts its attitude based on how it perceives the mood of humans around it.The device detects emotional states like sadness, surprise, joy, and anger. It responds in a natural and appropri­ate fashion. 
  • Pepper uses multi-di­rectional microphones to detect sounds.At the heart of Pepper is a remarkable technology that analyses what you say, your tone of voice and nonver­bal communication cues like the tilt of your head or posture. 
  • From these, Pepper can instantly recog­nize the emotional context of the conversation and adjust accordingly. The result is human communication with the real emotional connection.
  • For vision, Pepper employs a com­bination of 2HD and 3D cameras to recognize the shape of objects

Friday, 14 April 2017

10 Fastest Growing Storage Companies 2017

The silicon review releasing the new magazine in Storage Services Providers... Find the success stories of Smart Leaders in Storage Industry  10 Fastest Growing Storage Companies 2017

Monday, 3 April 2017

Clients feed back with the Silicon Review Issues

 Clients feed back with the Silicon Review Issues