Showing posts with label beards grooming tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beards grooming tips. Show all posts

Friday 28 February 2020

Beard Straightener: Little Known Grooming Tips for Awesome-Looking Beards

At last, you have the beards. You have worked hard to grow them. Congratulations. You are joining the beard elite group. It’s a milestone. You have waited for all this time. But wait. Did you know that grooming can make or break your beards? It’s a fact. So, don’t ignore to groom your beards. If you want an awesome look, follow the following beards grooming tips.
Use Beard Oil
It’s always an incredible idea to maintain your awesome look through proper beard grooming. It’s like owning a really classic car. Once you’ve purchased it, do you neglect its condition through poor maintenance?  Or do you forget to clean it for months? Of course, you don’t.
So, why not get yourself some beard oil? This type of oil helps your beard to stay hydrated. Washing regularly removes dirt, but it also strips away some of the beard’s natural oil. And that’s exactly why beard oil was developed to act as a leave-in conditioning product for balancing the natural oils in your beard and those on your skin.
But be careful not to purchase beard oils containing silicones, parabens, or sulfates. Silicones aren’t inherently harmful, but the coat your beard hairs, preventing them from receiving the nutrients they need.
Go For Utility Balm
Beard care is constantly evolving. More advanced products are appearing which have never been seen before, and these include beard balm. Though it’s still pretty new, this product is already being used by many. It’s a perfect option for conditioning and styling your facial hair.
Comb Your Beard with a Beard Straightener
Perhaps every man knows how to comb their beard. After all, it doesn’t involve employing specific techniques to get the most out of your grooming experience. Just make sure that your comb features both wide as well as narrow teeth arrangements.
For your beard, use the wide teeth and for your mustache to utilize the narrow teeth. Start by holding your beard comb in such a way that the teeth are pointed upward. To maintain the needed amount of control while combing, consider using a relaxed grip- just like you normally use your toothbrush. Next, comb it out with an upward motion to “fuzz” it away from your face. Make sure that the hairs are fully separated so that you can effectively get rid of the bed-beard look. Use a heated beard comb to straighten your beards.
Just a heads up – you’re more likely to run into some snags during the combing process. Essentially, snags occur as a result of individual hair strands growing in opposite directions and crossing over each other. When you get into a snag, don’t try forcing it out. Instead, gently pull it out using your comb. Once you’re doing that, comb your hair back down into the desired shape.
The Bottom-Line
It’s time to take your beard grooming to the next level. And the best way to go about it is to use the above top beard grooming tips. From using beard oil to combing your beards—these grooming tips are from experts and are bound to make your beards even better.