Friday, 28 February 2020

Non-packaged sweets must display manufacturing and expiry date: FSSAI

A new order issued by the food regulator of India, Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI), has now made it mandatory for Food Business Operators (FBOs) to display ‘best before dates’ on the sweets that are not packaged. Starting June 1, 2020, the new mandate will become effective. In the last few months, FSSAI has received multiple complaints regarding the poor quality of food, especially sweets.

Currently, best before date or manufacturing date are displayed only on the packaged food items made by sweet shops and other similar businesses. With the new norm – that requires the display of expiry or manufacturing date on the loose and non-packaged sweets – people can now feel safe while consuming the non-packaged sweets. Food Business Operators (FBOs) are advised to take into consideration the nature of ingredients and their condition before labeling the best before date. A list containing the possible shelf life of different types of commonly available sweets in the market has also been issued by the Food regulator to assist the FBOs in complying with the new norms. RasMalai, Rajbhog, Rasgullas and Badam Milk are some of the items that are to be consumed within two days of manufacturing.
To ensure 100 percent compliance, the FSSAI has asked the help of the food regulators in all the states. Business owners, on the other hand, have shown skepticism to the order by FSSAI.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares his vision for the future of technology

Microsoft's CEO Indian-born Satya Nadella visited Mumbai, Bengaluru, and New Delhi from 24-26th February to share his vision on the future of technology and how Microsoft is driving the transformation of technology in India during his three-day trip. He delivered his keynote in Mumbai and Bengaluru at the 'Future Decoded CEO Summits'. The summit included Microsoft leaders and other industry stalwarts who spoke about the future of various technologies in India.

Nadella met a group of students, developers, and entrepreneurs and discussed the transformation in the current generation digital technology which is transforming education and other sectors like AI, gamification, personalization, and simplifying STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). "India remains a top market for Microsoft, and Satya Nadella does visit almost annually. This year their president Brad Smith is also visiting, in April. Government engagement is a major focus for Microsoft top management in India for the past two decades, and all the more now with expanding digital plans, and also rising nationalist resistance to global digital and tech companies," says Prasanto K Roy, tech and policy consultant.Combined with its Cloud and AI services Microsoft is looking forward to accelerating the digital transformation across Indian start-ups and businesses as well as the government organizations. Nadella's visit will buttress this further. This will increase the global market capitalization of Microsoft among the most valuable companies in the world.

Why you need a VPN Protection for Windows 10?

The internet has become a center for all kinds of activities from communication to financial transactions. The amount of data that flows over and is stored on the internet is enormous. This provides a host of opportunities for all kinds of elements both positive and negative. In recent years, cybersecurity has grown into one of the biggest threats these days with annual losses going above $5 trillion in 2019. This and other factors make it imperative to use a VPN.
So, let’s discuss what a VPN is, how it works and what are the reasons that they’ve become essential these days.

What is a VPN?

 A Virtual Private Network or VPN is a program which makes data traffic anonymous while masking user’s IP address. This is done by rerouting the internet traffic to go through a secure server instead of being handled by the local internet service provider (ISP). A VPN is one of the most effective tools to plug the biggest loophole in cybersecurity and that is the fact that IP addresses in general are public. This means that anyone on the internet can access them.

How does a VPN for Windows work?

A VPN acts as a barrier between the local ISP and the server of the website. ISPs have been given a free hand in regulating the internet ever since net neutrality ended in 2018. This allows them to store and even sell data on what users are doing on the internet because that matters to a lot of entities. With a VPN, the role of the ISP is minimized or even eliminated completely.

Common threats on the internet today

There is a wide range of threats on the internet these days. From businesses and organizations to cybercriminals, all prove a variable level of risk to users around the world. The type of breaches that are caused as a result include both financial losses and psychological distress. Although the challenges are evolving, there are some that are prevalent worldwide. Here are a few:


These include a wide variety of viruses. Hackers and other cybercriminals use a number of ways like email attachments or random links to plant malware into user systems. Malware can include but is not limited to ransomware, adware, Trojans, spyware, bots, bugs and a lot more besides. Based on the type, malware can hide in a device and harm personal data stored on it in any way that the attacker wants.


Another one of the most common ways for hackers is to use phishing schemes. These can be executed through phone, text, email or any other digital medium. All it takes is for the cybercriminal to design a form or page that looks legitimate and asks the user for some private information. The hacker can act as a bank representative or government official to retrieve data that they are looking for.

Social engineering

This is one of the newest methods that are rising quickly around the globe. Hackers and other elements study a person that they want to target. They research about their colleagues, friends and even family members to pick someone who they can impersonate. All this information is easily available through social media so it is no problem for any element to get a hold of all this data.


Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) or Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are common to disable and cause damages to the servers of the victim. These types of attacks are common in gaming and for websites like e-commerce stores etc. The load of irrelevant data causes the server to crash taking the player or business off-line which ultimately cause huge damages to the organization or person.

How a VPN protects against cybersecurity threats

A VPN is a program designed to mask IP addresses. This means that the biggest source of all cybercrimes in dealt with. The level of protection available will depend on the type of VPN that you are using. There are a number of features that VPNs offer to make a comprehensive cybersecurity cover for users whether they are individuals or businesses. Here are a few:


The leading VPN services like Ivacy provide an end-to-end 256-bit encryption at minimum because that is the highest level commercially available. It is used by government departments to protect their data so it is bound to be effective. Encryption protects data while it is being transferred from one server to another. This is the time when data is the most vulnerable so protecting it at this point is crucial.

Advanced protection

Good VPN services offer additional protocols for users. These can be added over the already available encryption to form military grade cybersecurity coverage for users.  VPN customers can pick what protocols they need to customize how they want their cybersecurity profiles to look. Each protocol has its own benefits.


The basic function of a VPN is to mask IP addresses. This is done through rerouting data traffic to the secure servers of the program. These servers have to offer elaborate protection against cybercriminals and also they have to be spread out across the world. They should also be abundant because that will determine the options available for users. The reliability of the servers offered by a VPN can easily be gauged by customer reviews.

Additional features 

Other features that are provided by a VPN for Windows include internet kill switches, split tunneling, public Wi-Fi security, unlimited bandwidth, a strict zero logging policy, secure DNS, IPv6 leak protection and a lot more besides. All these features come together to ensure that users are secured from all kinds of threats at all times.


A VPN for Windows has become vital in light of the way network connections are being regulated nowadays. From cybercriminals to businesses, everyone is in search of private user data for various purposes. What’s troubling is that these entities can go to any length in order to acquire what they are looking for. In times like these, VPNs are the most affordable and effective solutions against these threats.
Author Bio:
Scott is a cyber-security professional. He's been writing in the internet privacy niche for a while now and has churned variety of informational pieces to educate his audience. Connect with him on Twitter.

Top Reasons Why You're Struggling To Scale Your Business

Business growth is essential to remain relevant and profitable, and according to some business experts, a business should grow between 15% and 45% year-on-year. While there are exceptions depending on the industry, there are certain parameters that are shared across the board, in terms of what makes a business successful. If you’re not achieving your goals, you may want to consider a review of the various sections in the business to determine where there are inefficiencies.  

Inefficient Workflow Practices 

There are a number of things that can slow down business growth. At the top of the list is the time it takes for service or product delivery.  Workflow automation can have a positive impact on the business as well as creating proper, more efficient processes. Start with the first point of contact with the customer, and work through each touchpoint in the business to find out where the delays take place, or whether there are smarter or faster ways to do things. For instance, manual forms and processes could be replaced with software that helps speed up the process.  

Your Personal Position Is Affecting Growth

Cash flow is an important part of growth for a business, and this means keeping drawings as low as possible. When a business owner’s needs expand beyond what is available in the business, it can drain the cash reserves of the business. According to experts atMicrocredit Summit Campaign, one option is to look at consolidation loans. Simplifying personal finances in order to take some of the pressure of the business can have a positive effect on the cash flow. It’s also important for business owners to take care of their personal financial position and keep it squeaky clean, as financial institutions and investors often do their due diligence on the owners and the business. They want to know that the people behind the business won’t drain the finances to better their personal position or repeat personal financial mistakes in the business. In order for your business to grow, you need to grow along with it.  

Your Business Isn’t An Obvious First Choice 

While it might sting to know this, your customers might prefer your competitor over you. Whether you’re the best-priced, offer the best after-sales service, or even just have a better-looking product, it’s time to take an honest look at your offering. 

  • If you’re not the best in the market, why would consumers choose you over the best in the market? 

  • If you’re the cheapest in the market, can your product compete? 

  • If you’re not the best nor the cheapest, but somewhere in the middle, why are you still an option? 

You need to start looking for reasons why you would be a first choice, which includes all the important markers for good sales, including convenience, price point, and total sales experience. 

Business growth is not only a nice-to-have, but it’s also essential to ensure the longevity of the business. Certain factors directly affect the growth of a business, such as unidentifiable product or service offering, personal position, and inefficient workflow.

Beard Straightener: Little Known Grooming Tips for Awesome-Looking Beards

At last, you have the beards. You have worked hard to grow them. Congratulations. You are joining the beard elite group. It’s a milestone. You have waited for all this time. But wait. Did you know that grooming can make or break your beards? It’s a fact. So, don’t ignore to groom your beards. If you want an awesome look, follow the following beards grooming tips.
Use Beard Oil
It’s always an incredible idea to maintain your awesome look through proper beard grooming. It’s like owning a really classic car. Once you’ve purchased it, do you neglect its condition through poor maintenance?  Or do you forget to clean it for months? Of course, you don’t.
So, why not get yourself some beard oil? This type of oil helps your beard to stay hydrated. Washing regularly removes dirt, but it also strips away some of the beard’s natural oil. And that’s exactly why beard oil was developed to act as a leave-in conditioning product for balancing the natural oils in your beard and those on your skin.
But be careful not to purchase beard oils containing silicones, parabens, or sulfates. Silicones aren’t inherently harmful, but the coat your beard hairs, preventing them from receiving the nutrients they need.
Go For Utility Balm
Beard care is constantly evolving. More advanced products are appearing which have never been seen before, and these include beard balm. Though it’s still pretty new, this product is already being used by many. It’s a perfect option for conditioning and styling your facial hair.
Comb Your Beard with a Beard Straightener
Perhaps every man knows how to comb their beard. After all, it doesn’t involve employing specific techniques to get the most out of your grooming experience. Just make sure that your comb features both wide as well as narrow teeth arrangements.
For your beard, use the wide teeth and for your mustache to utilize the narrow teeth. Start by holding your beard comb in such a way that the teeth are pointed upward. To maintain the needed amount of control while combing, consider using a relaxed grip- just like you normally use your toothbrush. Next, comb it out with an upward motion to “fuzz” it away from your face. Make sure that the hairs are fully separated so that you can effectively get rid of the bed-beard look. Use a heated beard comb to straighten your beards.
Just a heads up – you’re more likely to run into some snags during the combing process. Essentially, snags occur as a result of individual hair strands growing in opposite directions and crossing over each other. When you get into a snag, don’t try forcing it out. Instead, gently pull it out using your comb. Once you’re doing that, comb your hair back down into the desired shape.
The Bottom-Line
It’s time to take your beard grooming to the next level. And the best way to go about it is to use the above top beard grooming tips. From using beard oil to combing your beards—these grooming tips are from experts and are bound to make your beards even better.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Technology to Rely on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Future

By 2023, over 40 per cent of technology will rely on Artificial Intelligence (AI) by 2023 which is a 5 per cent increase from today. “Privacy laws, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), presented a compelling business case for privacy compliance and inspired many other jurisdictions worldwide to follow,” said Bart Willemsen, research vice president at Gartner.“More than 60 jurisdictions around the world have proposed or are drafting postmodern privacy and data protection laws as a result. Canada, for example, is looking to modernize their Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), in part to maintain the adequacy standing with the EU post-GDPR.”
Leaders are under pressure to make sure that all personnel data processed is brought in scope and under control which is a difficult and expensive task to manage without the aid of technology. This is where the use of AI powered applications comes in to reduce administrative burdens and manual workloads. In Gartner’s 2019 Security and Risk Survey, many organizations are incapable of delivering precise answers to the SRRs they receive. Often a manual job, the average costs of these workflows are roughly $1400 dollars that accumulate over time.
“The speed and consistency by which AI-powered tools can help address large volumes of SRRs not only saves an organization excessive spend, but also repairs customer trust,” said Mr. Willemsen. “With the loss of customers serving as privacy leaders’ second highest concern, such tools will ensure that their privacy demands are met.”

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Eight Startups for AFRL Next Academy Commercialization: By Griffiss Institute

Griffiss Institute declared the next group involved in the AFRL Commercialization Academy with the top eight startup teams. The AFRL Commercialization Academy is a curriculum of entrepreneurial education by the Griffiss Institute, funded by the Directorate of Information for the Air Force Research Laboratory. These eight startups will focus particularly on fields like health, big data analytics, information systems, and the industry of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). All these eight teams are selected from a pool of submissions from the applicants.

The teams will be "incubated and trained" as they develop their businesses around the United States.  “The spring 2020 cohort is an impassioned group of startups with many creative ideas that can positively impact Central New York and the entire country,” Dan Fayette, AFRL Commercialization Academy program manager, said.

The startups will commence their work at the Commercialization Academy this month. These startups will be continuously engaging in weekly online classes and the remaining handpicked teams will batter their tech businesses to a panel of judges for a $300,000 piece of IDEA NY prize seed funding at a June Demo Day event. After Demo Day, qualifying teams will participate in the IDEA NY accelerator program that will "encourage the development and growth of promising entrepreneurs"

Nisha Narayanan: From RJ to Business leader of the Year

Chief Operating Officer and Director, Red FM and Magic FM, Nisha Narayanan has recently been honored with the “Business Leader of the Year” award. In view of her vast experience and fascinating work in the entertainment and media industry, she received the award in the entertainment category at the Dadasaheb Phalke International Film Festival.

The award ceremony which honors the top talent of creators, artists, and filmmakers in the movie industry, took place in the presence of Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Governor of Maharashtra as the chief guest. Starting as a radio jockey at All India Radio, Narayanan also got experienced in news anchoring and documentary filmmaking. In her career span, she has also hosted many chat shows and debates, apart from covering live events and national issues. Other awards Narayanan has won include, Impact – 50 most influential women award 2016, India’s Greatest COO – India’s greatest brands and Leaders 2017-18, The most enterprising leader of Asia 2018 – WCRC, and Don Rowland’s prize for Excellence.

Red FM today has a presence of 69 stations across the country and has successfully expanded to other business verticals as well. The reason Red FM connects well with listeners at a personal level is because of her strong belief in the power of regional language and content. She also pointed towards the success of the radio industry, despite the intense competition from the digital on-demand streaming platforms.

Indian Scientists Oppose Scheme to Study Benefits of Cow Dung, Urine and Milk

Hundreds of scientists have asked the Indian government to withdraw the call for research proposals on the uniqueness of indigenous cows and the curative properties of cow urine, dung and milk for potential cancer treatments. In an open letter from the researchers, they say that the call is ‘unscientific’ and a misdirection of public money at a time when India is already facing a financial crunch.

In their letter, scientists note that the call presumes “special physiological status to select breeds of only one species,” adding that “to begin a project with such presumptions is prima facie unscientific.” Money under the scheme could be “wasted to ‘investigate’ imaginary qualities derived from religious scriptures,” they said.

The call for proposals issued 14th February, 2020, is a part of a funding program of the Department of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa and homeopathy. The proposal invites for projects on 5 research themes including ‘cowpathy’, the use of cow derived products for medicine and health.  A major aim is the “scientific investigation of uniqueness of pure Indigenous Indian cows.”

This is not the first time that the government has promoted researches on cows or made scientific claims for unproven traditional beliefs.

Monday, 24 February 2020

Malaysia: Worst plastic polluters in Asia

In a report published by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Malaysians top the list of plastic polluters in Asia. The survey covers countries such as China, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam - around 60 percent of plastic debris entering the world’s oceans comes from these countries.

Interestingly, the GDP per capita in Malaysia is also the highest among the five other countries. The WWF has linked this connection by pointing out that the increase in the use of plastic is mainly due to the rapid economic growth of the country. During recent years, Malaysia has also returned almost 4,000 tons of unrecyclable plastic to the countries that had shipped it to them. Other countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia have also complained about the growing trade in unrecyclable trash. While Asia has seen incredible growth in terms of economy, and technology, it hasn’t been able to keep pace with the recycling of plastic waste. In the EU region, around 40 percent of plastic packaging waste is recycled. According to WWF, 93 percent of waste is dumped in the environment in low-income countries, while only 4 percent of waste is dumped in industrialized countries.

Malaysians are the biggest per capita users of plastic packaging, with the average Malaysian consuming 16.78kg of plastic packaging each year.

Affordability of Dream Houses

India’s real estate market has been under a ‘time correction’ since a decade. Time correction is a fancier way of saying that the prices are stagnant. After some time, this stagnation is expected to end and the real estate prices will head upwards again. There are several reasons behind the stagnation.

The major one is that prices rose way too fast and too far on the strength of investors who had more money than sense. These investors kept selling apartments to each other at higher and higher prices until finally the prices got too high for the real buyers – those who actually want to live in those houses. This stagnation is a phase when the buying capacity of the real users in catching up to these prices.

Another factor has been the tremendous distrust that buyers have for real estate developers for known reasons. As time goes on, a greater portion of potential buyers will turn into actual buyers. Real estate is unique unlike other investments in that one house is a necessity for every family and it’s only from the second house that the buyer becomes an investor with the risks and baggage it attracts. 

The problem is that buying a dream house is very different from buying a dream vacation or car.  Housing is different because of the scale of the expense behind it. The financial hole due to the dream house can cause financial damage and might take years to repair during which, the family will face many hardships.

Qatar to build 16 floating hotels for the FIFA World cup 2022

Qatar is excited to host the FIFA World cup 2022. Qatar, the country which is known for its grandeur and innovation is building 16 floating hotels. The hotels will be built in Qetaifan Island North, which is located close to Lusail International Stadium, which will host the opening as well as the final game of the FIFA World cup. It is reported that ADMARES and Sigge Architects are developing the floating hotels to serve tourists and fans that will be visiting Qatar.

Expecting a huge crowd of people, “the Qetaifan Island North, the city’s main waterfront destination is planning to provide all the needs of the masses and tourists; with projects, facilities, and entertainment activities in addition to the fan villages during the tournament, which will include the floating hotels,” states the officials.
Creating a first-ever pure floating real estate on water, ADMARES will be building innovative structures with a temporary solution for accommodation needs at this scale. The company has teamed up with the Finnish architect firm Sigge Architects to design modern floating hotels, which is unique with each building covering 72-meter-long and 16-meter-wide. Each hotel will consist of 101 guest rooms, a restaurant, a lounge, and a bar each. All of the 16 four-story hotels will offer a total of 1616 floating hotel rooms.

Friday, 21 February 2020

30 Best Companies to Watch in Asia 2020

Be the change you wish you see in the world! How easy is it to start and company and become the owner of it? It sounds great and easy, but you need the same spirit and energy forever to make your business survive, but unfortunately a large portion of them don’t survive through the first year. This can be blamed on some factors such as not recognizing your demographics,dead investments, not hiring the right talent, and heavy losses.However, there is a way to make all your future businesses future-proof, and we will discuss about it in this current edition. To survive, you need to foreground what is already out there, but you also need to outsmart your competitors and other business owners. Smart thinking gives you a competitive edge that beats large pools of investors and limitless capital. And smart thinking is not just about tapping new customer bases, tapping into new customer bases is a good business move for many entrepreneurs for obvious reasons, but it also comes at a great cost financially. In addition, it is also a very risky endeavor, and the wrong execution could drain out your funds and kill your business in the long run.Ask the experts, The Silicon Review30 Best Companies to Watch in Asia 2020.” The companies enlisted are known for their customer centric approach, customer retention rate, openness to innovation, skilled people, financial soundness, global competitiveness, and moreover, the ability to forecast market trends.
Success recognized to the fullest!
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NFL owners unanimously voted for the implementation of CBA

Recently a surprisingly unanimous decision was taken by 32 team owners of NFL. They all accepted the negotiated terms based on the principles of the collective bargaining agreement. Particulars about the agreement were not revealed by the owners as well as Roger Goodell, Commissioner of NFL. After the meeting, team officials left the venue with no comments being made about the proposed CBA. The representatives of the players and the union executive committee will have a conference shortly and the NFL Players Association refrained from commenting on the latest NFL announcement. The owners are working relentlessly to replace the 10-year labor agreement that is due to expire in March 2021.

The new elements of the CBA are expected to be implemented in the upcoming season and the question of whether the players must vote in favor of it remains unanswered. NFL stated that the players can vote against the proposal or they can seek negotiations, but the current agreement will remain until 2020. A deadline was put by the league statement and within a week the players and clubs must have all systems in place for acceptance. Revenue for the players is expected to be more than the current rate, but it will remain 50 percent.

Indian skipper Virat Kohli’s search for century continues

In the ongoing test match between India and New Zealand, Indian Skipper Virat Kohli was cheaply dismissed for just 2 runs. On Friday in Wellington, debutant Kyle Jamieson extended the rare slump in Kohli’s stellar career.  In the 8 innings that he played in the New Zealand series, Virat managed to score just a single fifty. Since Bangladesh tour of India in November 2019, the skipper has not been able to achieve the three figure mark. This is one of the worst slumps for the captain since his 2014 tour of England. Judging a batsman based on the frequency of his century might seem unfair, but a player of Kohli’s caliber can be judged only by his stint with the bat. In his 11 year old international career, Kohli has had only two such slump in form.

The first bad phase for the skipper was from September 2011 when he did not reach the three figure mark in almost 24 innings. In 2014, just three years after the first slump he did not score a century for 254 innings. The current drought of 100 is 3rd worst in the captain’s career and his dismissal in the current test was very much similar to his dismissals of the 2014 England tour.

Bali’s youth is saving the paradise from plastic plague

Bali, one of the best and most preferred beach-holiday destination, is witnessing an overload of plastic, not just on the sands of its beaches, but also in the oceans. A tropical paradise destination, Bali, has been witnessing a record-breaking number of tourists flying into the island every year. The long beaches, palm trees, and its party lifestyle have not just attracted tourists, but also a lot of trash particularly plastic, which lines up the beaches even more than the palm trees do.

More than half of the trash generated ends up in the sea, waterways or on the land due to the lack of sufficient waste disposal plants and collection systems in Bali. Daily beach cleanups are organized by many different groups and other organizations, helping clean the plastic, at least temporarily. The next day, a new wave brings in a new load of plastic from the oceans to its beaches. The fact that tourists generate about 3 times more waste than locals, doesn’t deter the country from welcoming tourists, as a considerable part of its economy is driven by the tourism industry. Bali has started the construction of recycling facilities. Special lessons in environmental science are now being conducted for school children. Proper waste management systems are also being introduced along with the plastic ban.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

FDA supports the adoption of lab animals that have completed experimentations

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken a firm initiative on the adoption of lab-tested animals, which are being appreciated all over. FDA in a recent press met announced that the animals which have been used for research by them will now be available for adoption instead of euthanizing them. It has updated its policies which will allow people to adopt lab animals such as healthy dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, and some farm animals. The FDA will be transferring these animals to sanctuaries and shelters after using them for lab experiments.

Earlier the animals which were being used for lab experiments were euthanized. But FDA has now taken a firm decision to let health animals for adoption. FDA's first initiative to retire animals in lab experiments was implemented in the year 2018. The agency retired 26 squirrel monkeys which were being used to study the effect of nicotine. FDA spokesperson Monique Richards said the FDA "has supported and continues to support the transfer, adoption of retirement" of animals that have completed experimentations and "meet applicable eligibility criteria".

The FDA uses animals in drug testing, vaccines, and other biologics. Now the agency has announced that those animals which are healthy will be allowed for adoption. This move by FDA is appreciated by everyone, which will direct federal agencies to assist with the relocation of these precious animals into sanctuaries and loving homes.

Neutral Venue for Asia Cup will be decided in the next ACC meet

When Ehsan Mani, chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board, spoke during the launch of Pakistan’s T20 league PSL (Pakistan Super League) in National Stadium, he had stated that the Venue for conducting Asia Cup will be decided based on the decisions made by the majority stake-holders in the Asian Cricket Council and he also gave an indication that their country might give up its hosting rights for the upcoming Asia Cup T20 tournament. Mani furthermore stated that they have to focus on the associate nations more than the full members. The upcoming ACC meet in March will be used to finalize the venue and other details for the Asia Cup.

Mani’s statements were due to India’s refusal to play in Pakistan for the Asia Cup and BCCI insisted that the tournament must be held in neutral venue for them to participate. CEO of the PCB, Wasim Khan stated that if they are not allowed to conduct the whole tournament at home, Pakistan would forego its hosting rights. Pakistan had visited India in 2012 to play a short ODI series. However, since 2008, India has not played a full test bilateral series in Pakistan and this was due to the strained political situation between the two countries.

Sunil Kumar wins Gold in the Greco-Roman category for India

Sunil Kumar from India ended the country’s dry stint of 27 years without a gold medal in the Greco-Roman category. The event took place in New Delhi on the 18th of February and he beat his opponent Azat Salidinov of Kyrgyzstan 5-0 top clinch the victory. Before this win the last winner from India was Pappu Yadav, he won a gold medal in the 48kg Greco-Roman title in 1993 for India. For the major part of the match, Sunil with his comprehensive defense had an upper hand. Salidinov was left clueless and he finally went down without a fight back. In the earlier part of the competition, Sunil has made an impressive comeback.

 In the semifinal, Sunil was down 1-8 against his opponent Azamat Kustubayev from Kazakh but eventually, Sunil went on to win the match by getting 11 points on the trot. In last year’s event, Sunil Kumar had managed to reach finals but he ended up winning a silver medal. He stated that he was ecstatic to win a Gold medal for India and he also stated that he worked really hard on his ground techniques and it feels great to be on the winning side. There were other participants too from India like Arjun Halakurki (55kg), Mehar Singh (130kg), Sajan, and Sachin Rana.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Burberry’s China event might be postponed due to Virus outbreak

The chief creative officer of Burberry, Ricardo Tisci in the London fashion week stated that he wants to share the British style globally and he also wants to use the heritage to humanize and build the house. Burberry is one of the significant luxury brands in Europe and London is considered as its home. The fashion week event in London is expected to boost the brand’s morale. Asia is Burberry’s heartbeat because almost 40 percent of the revenue comes from there. They are one of the brands that were hit economically because of the corona virus outbreak. With a group of premium supermodels, Tisci’s 4th season at Burberry was smooth like a cheerleading routine.

 The glamour is very much etched on the label’s vein and this season the looks were focused more globally to make it bankable. Tisci’s predecessor Christopher   had made the brand look more romantic, whereas Ricardo made Burberry sexy. There are almost 64 stores for Burberry in mainland China, and now following the virus outbreak, almost a third of them have stopped functioning. London fashion week show was all set to be reprised in China during the month of April. The event was expected to be attended by influencers, Chinese press, and clients.

30-year-old war veteran is all set to feature in the new Netflix fashion competition

Julian Woodhouse is a 30-year-old war veteran who graduated from the University of St. Thomas, recently made an appearance in a new Netflix fashion competition. The show will have designers from all around the globe and they will compete for a cash prize of $250,000. The show premiered recently and its contestants can’t stop talking about it. Julian became a part of the fashion industry when he launched his brand in 2015. He stated that the contestants will get 7 hours to make a full look and they must also work alongside someone new who might have a different taste and style direction. He felt that he was in a completely different arena and the competition was very challenging.

Woodhouse’s inspiration to join the fashion industry struck him when he was stationed in Seoul, South Korea. He was the first black man to feature in the Seoul fashion week. Julian is working relentlessly to take his brand Woodhouse army to the next level through this competition. He works alongside his partner Kirill Kabachencko; to make his company environmental friendly and they also want to make their brand less fast fashioned. Julian is trying to give his best to the brand and he wants to make a big difference in the fashion world.

Teenager builds app to promote Indian Culture to Tourists

“India Story” – an app to chronicle the story of India through its monuments – was built by a 17-year-old teenager, Avantika Khanna, from Gurgaon, India. The app had been launched for both the Android and iOS platforms and provides audio-guides in cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Lucknow, Chandigarh, Mumbai, and Delhi.
The Social Entrepreneur’s idea was born during a family trip to UK a few years ago, where she realized the perfect maintenance of monuments, and audio-guided tours. Both of these aspects of tourism were not so good in India, along with the unavailability of guides in certain lesser known monuments. This triggered the fire in her to promote India’s rich history and culture to the world using technology, and she began working on “India Story” way back in 2016. Today, avantika handles a total of 30 staff – writers, photographers, history lovers, and programmers – who works as a team. Certified tour guides can be contacted through the app along with organizers of cultural walks.Both the app’s user interface and the business model, was designed by Avantika herself. She has been able to raise seed funding from the Indian Angel Network, only after overcoming many hurdles. She now looks forward to expanding to more states and cities.

How AI Is Making Software Development Easier For software Companies And Coders?

Artificial intelligence is the consequence of coding, and now coding is the after effect of artificial intelligence.

Indeed, Artificial intelligence has completed the cycle, since more software development services providers and more coders are utilizing it to help the process of software development.

Presently, software developers are able to utilize Artificial intelligence to compose and audit code, identify bugs, test programming, and even streamline projects of development.

Because of such guides, not only can software development services providers convey new programming and applications all the more productively, but an entirely different age of engineers can figure out how to code all the more effectively.

These are a portion of the conclusions to be drawn from a recently distributed Deloitte report.

Concentrated on software development assisted by artificial intelligence, Deloitte creators David Schatsky and Sourabh Bumb clarify how an assorted scope of every software development company has propelled many AI-driven tools of software development over the previous 18 months.
Plus, the market for such assistive software development is growing vivaciously, with new companies in the area raising a sound of $704 million over the year finishing off with September 2019.

In that capacity, it can be expected that development tools powered by artificial intelligence will turn out to be progressively significant in fulfilling the developing need for programming from every software development company.

Why use AI-based coding?

The advantages of AI-based coding are various. In any case, the rule advantage for organizations is proficiency.

A significant number of the new AI-fueled instruments work just like spell-and language checkers, empowering coders to decrease the number of keystrokes they have to type by around half.

They can likewise spot bugs while code is being composed, while they can likewise automate as much as half of the tests expected to affirm the quality of programming.

As per the report, this is especially significant during a time characterized by expanding dependence on open-source code, which can here and there accompany bugs or sub-improvements.

Obviously, as extraordinary as the utilization of AI being developed by AI development company might be for organizations, it brings the unavoidable threat that automation will wind up taking occupations from coders.

In any case, this is improbable as AI-fueled advancement brings the extra advantage of 'democratization.'

Clearly, these tools of Artificial intelligence manifested by the AI development companyare helping and enlarging people, not supplanting them.

These equipments are assisting with democratizing coding and software development, enabling people who are not really prepared in coding to fill talent holes and learn new aptitudes and skills.

Plus, there is a code review based on artificial intelligence, giving quality confirmation before you even run the code.

An ongoing report from IDC figures that the worldwide market for custom application improvement services will increase from $47 billion out of 2018 to over $61 billion out of 2023.

This development will be driven and encouraged by an equal growth in custom software development that is powered by artificial intelligence.

In any case, such advancement does not just bring the advantage of the automatic composition of code and bug identification, since it can likewise be utilized to automatically schedule and organize software development.

For instance, France-based telecoms firm Orange as of late utilized a tool based on artificial intelligence for managing a certain project for automating the already manual procedure of updating the timelines of the project.

Artificial intelligence supports people all through the development cycle of software. Just like most of the automation, artificial intelligence here quickens the work.

Now and again it eliminates with specific assignments, however, manpower is still required all through.

Numerous organizations are acquiring 'low-code progression' tools that empower individuals who are not trained as software engineers to create applications.

A portion of these utilizes Artificial intelligence. In any case, software engineers are still required to make applications."

In addition to the fact that people are expected to make and direct the applications, yet it can be expected that artificial intelligence will be utilized to help another age of coders acquire understanding and information in programming improvement.

Artificial intelligence could be utilized to help beginner coders by giving direction while coding, calling attention to potential errors and prescribing methods for handling certain errands.

Benefits of AI

1.      Improved Data Security
2.      Bugs identification is simpler
3.      Fabricate better software through strategies
4.      Improvement in the precision of estimates

Improved Data Security

The security of software is a vital property that you can't ignore during advancement. AI empowers you to research the information utilizing AI to recognize inconsistencies from typical practices.

Bugs identification is simpler:

By incorporating AI tools, coding turns out to be better and upgraded. Engineers and analyzers don't have to battle with looking at the executable documents stacked with bugs and mistakes. It is simpler for them to discover bugs in a split second and address them.

Fabricate better software through strategies:

AI arrangements are enabled with the capacity to gain from past projects plus examining the presentation of current ventures. AI-based custom software development makes advancement simple as well as results in better applications.

Improvement in the precision of estimates:

AI offers an answer for estimating programming that includes examining historical information from previous projects to discover connections and insights. It utilizes predictive investigation plus business rules to offer exact estimates of cost, time and endeavor.

Summing it up

One of the studies conducted so far found that 37% of organizations associated with the software development was utilizing coding based on artificial intelligence development.

Presently, with organizations, for example, Tara, DeepCode, Kite, Functionalize, and Deep TabNine, just as numerous others, giving computerized coding services, clearly indicated that this rate is higher and becoming even higher.

It can be said that the utilization of artificial intelligence in coding will at last outcome in more noteworthy proficiency and better programming.

Also, Numerous organizations that have executed these tools based on artificial intelligence development have seen improved quality within the final products, as well as the reduction in both expense and time.

Utility enhancements have been seen since quality is higher – with faster and progressively precise bug recognition and greater capacity to test the items all through the development procedure, the product is bound to work better and be simpler to utilize.

Author   Bio 

Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking android app development and mobile app development company in London. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box
IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for technology and trends, passionate as he is in every aspect dedicated to making IT simple, accessible
and approachable for business enterprises. 

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