Monday 15 November 2021


How video technologies change in our today’s world

The new age of video technologies has come. After the TV and internet revolutions, we actually thought that we had reached the top of this industry. But we couldn’t be further from the truth.

Today’s state of social media marketing and marketing, in general, shows that videos only start their fabulous journey to take over the world. If you are interested in what is around the corner for this amazing industry, keep reading.

The golden age of video content

Today we live in the golden age of content when we get new breakthroughs and innovations in this area every day. It not only changed the way we consume information, but it also changed us: the way we learn, speak and collaborate with others.

One of the most popular careers nowadays is a Youtuber, and most kids dream about a job in the creative field. And the thing is that this dream is much closer to an average person than even five years ago. It’s practically in our hands.

You don’t need a big product team, stuff, and countless hours in the editing room to make a single video anymore. You can do it on your own, in your home with a regular camera and video editing software like Adobe Premiere or any online video editor of your choice.

The widespread usage of drones, once exclusively a professional tool but now a piece of standard video equipment, also gave more opportunities for new people to come into the video-making industry. Today everybody can make quality video content, and it helps to grow competition and create new, previously unseen technologies for recording and editing videos.

Streaming: the biggest trend in video marketing

The hottest and most trending video technology in 2021 is streaming services. And we mean not the only platform for gamers like Twitch, but also video streaming websites like Netflix or Hulu

According to studies, an average person watches about 16 hours of video per week, and it is more than 34 days spent watching videos a year. This shows how important the video industry is in the life of an ordinary human being. So it is safe to assume that in times of constant lockdowns and never-ending restrictions, video streaming services became the most needed thing in homes.

Also, marketing trends show that people are actually ready and will love to pay for high-quality content. For example, most videos on Youtube are free to watch, but websites like Patreon (ones that help content creators get extra money) are still on the rise.

People support favorite creators and shows, and since we are all in a state of war with the pandemic, we are absolutely sure that streaming services are only at the start of their successful path.

Next step of video making evolution: AI and VR

The widespread introduction and incorporation of AI in all spheres of our lives have already happened. Today, we can only watch how AI and VR will be more and more involved in our lives.

Soon enough, we will be living in a world where we don’t need any special software or an online video editor to edit our content. The only thing that will be needed is to tell AI: “edit video,” and it will do the job for you.

As for VR, we already have many great and absolutely realistic games with VR, and this industry is just starting to take off. It is possible that soon VR will be an important part of our day-to-day lives, and we will use it in routine Zoom conferences, for example.

In general, the video industry also tries to move towards a better user experience: increased framerates, improved visuals, and higher resolution. We already have games that look much better than the real world (like 2018 hit Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice), so we can confidently assume that in the future, the video and gaming industry will continue evolving in this direction.


Video technologies are an essential part of our everyday lives. We learn from YouTube videos, entertain with Netflix, and come for advice to the internet videos in almost every case.

The future of the video industry looks bright: it is now an essential part of marketing, and companies are ready to put resources into this industry’s development. Without a doubt, we should wait for some amazing breakthroughs in this area that will give us absolutely new experiences.

We can only guess what it will be, but only time will tell.


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